Browse our vast and rich line of general achievement medals to find the achievement you need for that important person to be recognized. We carry many phrases and symbols that represent all types of achievements. Our popular achievement reward medals, such as the placement medals, handshake medals, and torch medals will meet any school budget. Our achievement medal prices range between 1 and 4 dollars. Our medal sizes range between 1-1/4 to 2-3/4 inches in diameter. Our medal finishes are antique, bright, satin, engraved wreath borders, or diamond engraved borders. All recognition medals can be engraved on the backside.
{ "section" : "General Achievement Medals", "sectionid": "award-medals-general-achievement-medals", "sections" : [], "items" : [
{ "id": "m155b", "name": "1-1/2 Inch Bronze Achievement Torch Medal-Imprintable", "sku": "M155B-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "y9858g", "name": "1-1/2 Inch Diamond Cut Border World Class Performance Globe Medal", "sku": "Y9858G-AWG", "price": "3.55", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "y9128g", "name": "1-1/2 Inch Diamond Cut Border Achievement Torch in Hand Medal", "sku": "Y9128G-AWG", "price": "3.55", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "y9075g", "name": "1-1/2 Inch Diamond Cut Border Eagle with Torch in Hand Medal", "sku": "Y9075G-AWG", "price": "3.55", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "m155g", "name": "1-1/2 Inch Gold Achievement Torch Medal-Imprintable", "sku": "M155G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "ir27g", "name": "1-1/2 Inch Scalloped and Wreath Border First Place with Torch in Hand Medal", "sku": "IR27G-AWG", "price": "2.5", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "ir28s", "name": "1-1/2 Inch Scalloped and Wreath Border Second Place with Torch in Hand Medal", "sku": "IR28S-AWG", "price": "2.5", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "ir29b", "name": "1-1/2 Inch Scalloped and Wreath Border Third Place with Torch in Hand Medal", "sku": "IR29B-AWG", "price": "2.5", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "ir26g", "name": "1-1/2 Inch Scalloped Border Star Performer Medal", "sku": "IR26G-AWG", "price": "2.5", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "m155s", "name": "1-1/2 Inch Silver Achievement Torch Medal-Imprintable", "sku": "M155S-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "ir25", "name": "1-1/2 Inch Wreath Border Torch in Hand Medal", "sku": "IR25-AWG", "price": "2.5", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "h9665g", "name": "1-1/4 Inch Diamond Cut and Wreath Border Achievement Torch in Hand with Wreath Border Medal", "sku": "H9665G-AWG", "price": "3.4", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "e9128g", "name": "1-1/4 Inch Diamond Cut Boder Achievment Torch with Wreath and Hand Medal", "sku": "E9128G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "e9292g", "name": "1-1/4 Inch Diamond Cut Border Outstanding Performance with Trophy and Ribbon Medal", "sku": "E9292G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "e9995b", "name": "1-1/4 Inch Diamond Cut Border Bronze Star Award Winner with Star Medal", "sku": "E9995B-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "e900415", "name": "1-1/4 Inch Diamond Cut Border Citizenship with Lamp, Globe, and Scroll Medal", "sku": "E900415-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "e9301g", "name": "1-1/4 Inch Diamond Cut Border Distinguished Service Award Handshake with Star Medal", "sku": "E9301G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "e9990g", "name": "1-1/4 Inch Diamond Cut Border Gold Star Award Winner with Star Medal", "sku": "E9990G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "e9163g", "name": "1-1/4 Inch Diamond Cut Border In Honor of Excellence with Pyramid and Star Medal", "sku": "E9163G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "e9208g", "name": "1-1/4 Inch Diamond Cut Border Leadership-A Rare Quality with Bald Eagle Medal", "sku": "E9208G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "e9984g", "name": "1-1/4 Inch Diamond Cut Border Medal of Academic Achievement Medal", "sku": "E9984G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "e9988g", "name": "1-1/4 Inch Diamond Cut Border Medal of Excellence with Globe and Star Medal", "sku": "E9988G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "e9993g", "name": "1-1/4 Inch Diamond Cut Border Medal of Merrit with Globe and Star Medal", "sku": "E9993G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "e9255g", "name": "1-1/4 Inch Diamond Cut Border Outstanding Citizen with Liberty Bell Medal", "sku": "E9255G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "e9317g", "name": "1-1/4 Inch Diamond Cut Border Outstanding Volunteer with Hand Outreaching with Trophy Medal", "sku": "E9317G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "e9996g", "name": "1-1/4 Inch Diamond Cut Border Shinning Star with Star and Wreath Medal", "sku": "E9996G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "e9994s", "name": "1-1/4 Inch Diamond Cut Border Silver Star Award Winner with Star Medal", "sku": "E9994S-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "e9423g", "name": "1-1/4 Inch Diamond Cut Border Special Achievement Award Handshake with Star Medal", "sku": "E9423G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "e9231g", "name": "1-1/4 Inch Diamond Cut Border Star Performer Medal", "sku": "E9231G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "e9196g", "name": "1-1/4 Inch Diamond Cut Border Succeeding with Teamwork Handshake Medal", "sku": "E9196G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "e9858g", "name": "1-1/4 Inch Diamond Cut Border World Class Performance with Globe Medal", "sku": "E9858G-AWG", "price": "0.62", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "e9133g", "name": "1-1/4 Inch Diamond Cut Border Flying Eagle Medal", "sku": "E9133G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "e9152g", "name": "1-1/4 Inch Diamond Cut Border Recognition Handshake with Star Medal", "sku": "E9152G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "e9002g", "name": "1-1/4 Inch Diamond Cut Border Torch, Scroll, and Hand Medal", "sku": "E9002G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "e9871g", "name": "1-1/4 Inch Diamond Cut Wreath Border First Place with Torch, Hand, and Wreath medal", "sku": "E9871G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "e9932g", "name": "1-1/4 Inch Diamond Cut Wreath Border Most Improved Star Medal", "sku": "E9932G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "e9882s", "name": "1-1/4 Inch Diamond Cut Wreath Border Second Place with Torch, Hand, and Wreath Medal", "sku": "E9882S-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "e9893b", "name": "1-1/4 Inch Diamond Cut Wreath Border Third Place with Torch, Hand, and Wreath Medal", "sku": "E9893B-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "e914015", "name": "1-1/4 Inch Lamp of Learning Citizenship Medal", "sku": "E914015-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "e9157g", "name": "1-1/4 Inch Lamp of Learning First Place Medal", "sku": "E9157G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "e9158s", "name": "1-1/4 Inch Lamp of Learning Second Place Medal", "sku": "E9158S-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "e9159b", "name": "1-1/4 Inch Lamp of Learning Third Place Medal", "sku": "E9159B-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "a501g", "name": "1-3/4 Inch Achievement Die Cast Medal in Antique Gold, Silver or Bronze Finish", "sku": "A501G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "a500", "name": "1-3/4 Inch Hand With Torch Die Cast Medal in Antique Gold, Silver or Bronze Finish", "sku": "A500-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "l305g", "name": "2 Inch Citizenship Medal in Antique Brass Only", "sku": "L305G-AWG", "price": "2.35", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "z9871g", "name": "2 Inch Diamond Cut and Wreath Border First Place Torch In Hand Medal", "sku": "Z9871G-AWG", "price": "7.5", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "z9882s", "name": "2 Inch Diamond Cut and Wreath Border Second Place Torch in Hand Medal", "sku": "Z9882S-AWG", "price": "7.5", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "z9893b", "name": "2 Inch Diamond Cut and Wreath Border Third Place Torch in Hand Medal", "sku": "Z9893B-AWG", "price": "7.5", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "k9665g", "name": "2 Inch Diamond Cut and Wreath Border Achievement Torch in Hand Medal", "sku": "K9665G-AWG", "price": "5.9", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "z9163g", "name": "2 Inch Diamond Cut Border In Honor of Excellence with Star and Pyramid Medal", "sku": "Z9163G-AWG", "price": "7.5", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "z9231g", "name": "2 Inch Diamond Cut Border Star Performer with Star Medal", "sku": "Z9231G-AWG", "price": "1.56", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "z9858g", "name": "2 Inch Diamond Cut Border World Class Performance Globe Medal", "sku": "Z9858G-AWG", "price": "1.56", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "z9152g", "name": "2 Inch Diamond Cut Border Handshake with Star Medal", "sku": "Z9152G-AWG", "price": "7.5", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "z9003g", "name": "2 Inch Diamond Cut Border Writing and Lamp of Learning Medal", "sku": "Z9003G-AWG", "price": "7.5", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "l361g", "name": "2 Inch First Place Medal in Antique Brass Only", "sku": "L361G-AWG", "price": "2.35", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "d121g", "name": "2 Inch First Place Medal in Antique Gold Finish", "sku": "D121G-AWG", "price": "4.3", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "ma7574", "name": "2 Inch Gold Star Performer Apple Medal", "sku": "MA7574-AWG", "price": "4", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "ma7028", "name": "2 Inch Gold Achievement Torch in Hand with Wreath Apple Medal", "sku": "MA7028-AWG", "price": "4", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "ma6271", "name": "2 Inch Gold Handshake Apple Medal", "sku": "MA6271-AWG", "price": "4", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "l308g", "name": "2 Inch Good Citizen Medal in Antique Brass Only", "sku": "L308G-AWG", "price": "2.35", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "l342g", "name": "2 Inch Handshake Medal in Antique Brass Only", "sku": "L342G-AWG", "price": "2.35", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "q7028g", "name": "2 Inch High Relief with Wreath Border Torch in Hand Medal", "sku": "Q7028G-AWG", "price": "2.55", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "k9599g", "name": "2 Inch Lamp of Learning with Globe and Books Medal", "sku": "K9599G-AWG", "price": "5.9", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "l344g", "name": "2 Inch Leadership-Outstanding Volunteer Medal in Antique Brass Only", "sku": "L344G-AWG", "price": "2.35", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "l345g", "name": "2 Inch Most Improved Medal in Antique Brass Only", "sku": "L345G-AWG", "price": "2.35", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "l317g", "name": "2 Inch Most Improved Medal in Antique Brass Only", "sku": "L317G-AWG", "price": "2.35", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "l320g", "name": "2 Inch Participant Medal in Antique Brass Only", "sku": "L320G-AWG", "price": "2.35", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "j9665g", "name": "2 Inch Scalloped and Wreath Border Achievement Torch in Hand Medal", "sku": "J9665G-AWG", "price": "2.75", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "j9075g", "name": "2 Inch Scalloped and Wreath Border Flying Eagle with Torch Medal", "sku": "J9075G-AWG", "price": "0.65", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "j9599g", "name": "2 Inch Scalloped and Wreath Border Lamp of Learning with Globe and Books Medal", "sku": "J9599G-AWG", "price": "2.75", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "l346g", "name": "2 Inch Scholar Athlete Medal in Antique Brass Only", "sku": "L346G-AWG", "price": "2.35", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "d122s", "name": "2 Inch Second Place Medal in Antique Silver Finish", "sku": "D122S-AWG", "price": "4.3", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "l362s", "name": "2 Inch Second Place Medal in Antique Silver Only", "sku": "L362S-AWG", "price": "2.35", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "l348g", "name": "2 Inch Service Medal in Antique Brass Only", "sku": "L348G-AWG", "price": "2.35", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "q7028s", "name": "2 Inch Silver High Relief with Wreath Border Torch in Hand Medal", "sku": "Q7028S-AWG", "price": "2.55", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "l350g", "name": "2 Inch Star Performer Fair Medal in Antique Brass Only", "sku": "L350G-AWG", "price": "2.35", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "d123b", "name": "2 Inch Third Place Medal in Antique Bronze Finish", "sku": "D123B-AWG", "price": "4.3", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "l363b", "name": "2 Inch Third Place Medal in Antique Bronze Only", "sku": "L363B-AWG", "price": "2.35", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "d01", "name": "2 Inch Victory Medal in Antique Gold, Silver or Bronze Finish", "sku": "D01-AWG", "price": "4.3", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "l354g", "name": "2 Inch Victory Torch Medal in Antique Brass, Silver or Bronze", "sku": "L354G-AWG", "price": "2.35", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "me100b", "name": "2-1/2 Inch Bronze High Relief Enameled and Wreath Border with Torch in Hand Medal", "sku": "ME100B-AWG", "price": "0.9", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "me100g", "name": "2-1/2 Inch Gold High Relief Enameled and Wreath Border with Torch in Hand Medal", "sku": "ME100G-AWG", "price": "2.2", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "r241g", "name": "2-1/4 Inch 1st Place Medal in Antiqued Gold Finish with Laurel Wreath Border Holds 2 Inch Insert on Back", "sku": "R241G-AWG", "price": "2.95", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "r242s", "name": "2-1/4 Inch 2nd Place Medal in Antiqued Silver Finish with Laurel Wreath Border Holds 2 Inch Insert on Back", "sku": "R242S-AWG", "price": "2.95", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "r243b", "name": "2-1/4 Inch 3rd Place Medal in Antiqued Bronze Finish with Laurel Wreath Border Holds 2 Inch Insert on Back", "sku": "R243B-AWG", "price": "2.95", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "r201g", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Achievement Medal in Antiqued Gold, Silver, or Bronze Finish with Laurel Wreath Border Holds 2 Inch Insert on Back", "sku": "R201G-AWG", "price": "2.95", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "b601", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Achievement Satin Medal in Antique Gold, Silver or Bronze Finish", "sku": "B601-AWG", "price": "2.4", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "b657", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Eagle Satin Medal in Antique Gold, Silver or Bronze Finish", "sku": "B657-AWG", "price": "2.4", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "b691", "name": "2-1/4 Inch First Place Satin Medal in Antique Gold Finish", "sku": "B691-AWG", "price": "2.4", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "r232g", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Handshake Medal in Antiqued Gold Finish with Laurel Wreath Border Holds 2 Inch Insert on Back", "sku": "R232G-AWG", "price": "2.95", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "b658", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Handshake Satin Medal in Antique Gold, Silver or Bronze Finish", "sku": "B658-AWG", "price": "2.4", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "r212g", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Lamp of Knowledge Medal in Antiqued Gold, Silver, or Bronze Finish with Laurel Wreath Border Holds 2 Inch Insert on Back", "sku": "R212G-AWG", "price": "2.95", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "tm9242b", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Medal Frame with 2 Inch 3rd Embossed Mylar Insert Label", "sku": "TM9242B-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "tm9222g", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Medal Frame with 2 Inch 1st Embosed Mylar Insert Label", "sku": "TM9222G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "tm9955g", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Medal Frame with 2 Inch 1st Place with Star Mylar Insert Label", "sku": "TM9955G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "tm9232s", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Medal Frame with 2 Inch 2nd Embossed Mylar Insert Label", "sku": "TM9232S-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "tm9956g", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Medal Frame with 2 Inch 2nd Place with Star Mylar Insert Label", "sku": "TM9956G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "tm9957g", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Medal Frame with 2 Inch 3rd Place with Star Mylar Insert Label", "sku": "TM9957G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "tm9958g", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Medal Frame with 2 Inch 4th Place with Star Mylar Insert Label", "sku": "TM9958G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "tm9959g", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Medal Frame with 2 Inch 5th Place with Star Mylar Insert Label", "sku": "TM9959G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "tm9960g", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Medal Frame with 2 Inch 6th Place with Star Mylar Insert Label", "sku": "TM9960G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "tm9961g", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Medal Frame with 2 Inch All Star with Star Mylar Insert Label", "sku": "TM9961G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "tm9962g", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Medal Frame with 2 Inch Champs with Star Mylar Insert Label", "sku": "TM9962G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "tm9704g", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Medal Frame with 2 Inch Citizenship Award and Statue of Liberty Mylar Insert Label", "sku": "TM9704G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "tm9778g", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Medal Frame with 2 Inch In Honor of Excellence with Pyramid Mylar Insert Label", "sku": "TM9778G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "tm9841g", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Medal Frame with 2 Inch In Honor of Oustanding Community Service with Star Mylar Insert Label", "sku": "TM9841G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "tm9830g", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Medal Frame with 2 Inch In Honor of Oustanding Volunteer with Star Mylar Insert Label", "sku": "TM9830G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "tm9767g", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Medal Frame with 2 Inch Leadership Award with Eaglehead and Torch Mylar Insert Label", "sku": "TM9767G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "tm9902g", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Medal Frame with 2 Inch Mead of Special Achievement with Torch Mylar Insert Label", "sku": "TM9902G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "tm9886g", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Medal Frame with 2 Inch Most Improved Star Mylar Insert Label", "sku": "TM9886G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "tm9964g", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Medal Frame with 2 Inch Most Improved with Star Mylar Insert Label", "sku": "TM9964G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "tm9965g", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Medal Frame with 2 Inch MVP with Star Mylar Insert Label", "sku": "TM9965G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "tm9792g", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Medal Frame with 2 Inch Outstanding Performance with Trophy Ribbon Mylar Insert Label", "sku": "TM9792G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "tm9967g", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Medal Frame with 2 Inch Particpant with Star Mylar Insert Label", "sku": "TM9967G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "tm9875g", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Medal Frame with 2 Inch Shining Star with North Star and Wreath Mylar Insert Label", "sku": "TM9875G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "tm9903g", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Medal Frame with 2 Inch Special Recognition Award with Torch Mylar Insert Label", "sku": "TM9903G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "tm9969g", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Medal Frame with 2 Inch Sportsmanship with Star Mylar Insert Label", "sku": "TM9969G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "tm9724g", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Medal Frame with 2 Inch Star Performer and Star Mylar Insert Label", "sku": "TM9724G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "tm9905g", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Medal Frame with 2 Inch Lamp of Learning and Book Mylar Insert Label", "sku": "TM9905G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "mz7028g", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Medal Frame with 2 Inch Torch in Hand and Wreath Border Medallion Insert Disc", "sku": "MZ7028G-AWG", "price": "3.25", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "tm9735g", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Medal Frame with 2 Inch Torch in Hand and Wreath Border Mylar Insert Label", "sku": "TM9735G-AWG", "price": "2.6", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "r236g", "name": "2-1/4 Inch MVP Medal in Antiqued Gold Finish with Laurel Wreath Border Holds 2 Inch Insert on Back", "sku": "R236G-AWG", "price": "2.95", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "r239g", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Scholastic Achievement Medal in Antiqued Gold Finish with Laurel Wreath Border Holds 2 Inch Insert on Back", "sku": "R239G-AWG", "price": "2.95", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "b692", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Second Place Satin Medal in Antique Silver Finish", "sku": "B692-AWG", "price": "2.4", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "b693", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Third Place Satin Medal in Antique Bronze Finish", "sku": "B693-AWG", "price": "2.4", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "r219g", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Victory Medal in Antiqued Gold, Silver, or Bronze Finish with Laurel Wreath Border Holds 2 Inch Insert on Back", "sku": "R219G-AWG", "price": "2.95", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "b665", "name": "2-1/4 Inch Victory Satin Medal in Antique Gold Finish", "sku": "B665-AWG", "price": "2.4", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "g101", "name": "2-3/4 Inch Achievement Die Cast Medal in Antique Gold, Silver or Bronze Finish", "sku": "G101-AWG", "price": "2.9", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "u421g", "name": "2-3/4 Inch First Place Medal in Antique Gold ", "sku": "U421G-AWG", "price": "3.8", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "u422s", "name": "2-3/4 Inch Second Place Medal in Antique Silver", "sku": "U422S-AWG", "price": "3.8", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "u423b", "name": "2-3/4 Inch Third Place Medal in Antique Bronze", "sku": "U423B-AWG", "price": "3.8", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "u401", "name": "2-3/4 Inch Victory Medal in Antique Gold, Silver or Bronze Finish", "sku": "U401-AWG", "price": "3.8", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "u401", "name": "2-3/4 Inch Victory Medal in Antique Gold, Silver or Bronze Finish", "sku": "U401-AWG", "price": "3.8", "image": "" } ] }