Shop for quality and low priced metal magnetic medallion decal discs. Our new collection begins with the military, where we offer insignia magnets. With a very strong magnetic pull strength - 163 PSF, 2X the industry average - our magnetic decal discs are durable and stick to all ferromagnetic metals including iron, steel, nickel, and cobalt. All magnetic medallion decal discs are 4 inches in diameter. Discs are easily applied to refrigerators, computers, metal doors, and more to create a unique look.
{ "section" : "Magnetic Medallion Decal Discs", "sectionid": "magnetic-decal-discs", "sections" : [], "items" : [
{ "id": "973371mg", "name": "4 Inch Round Raised and Color Printed United States Air Force Shield Emblem Aluminum Metal Magnetic Medallion Decal Disc-Magnetic Back", "sku": "973371MG-AWG", "price": "12.5", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "973341mg", "name": "4 Inch Round Raised and Color Printed United States Army Shield Emblem Aluminum Metal Magnetic Medallion Decal Disc-Magnetic Back", "sku": "973341MG-AWG", "price": "12.5", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "973381mg", "name": "4 Inch Round Raised and Color Printed United States Marine Corps Shield Emblem Aluminum Metal Magnetic Medallion Decal Disc-Magnetic Back", "sku": "973381MG-AWG", "price": "12.5", "image": "" } ,
{ "id": "973361mg", "name": "4 Inch Round Raised and Color Printed United States Navy Shield Emblem Aluminum Metal Magnetic Medallion Decal Disc-Magnetic Back", "sku": "973361MG-AWG", "price": "12.5", "image": "" } ] }