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{ "section" : "Offices", "sectionid": "giftsawards-desk-accessories", "sections" : [[ "Card Holders","business-card-holders"], [ "Coasters","coasters"], [ "Desk Clocks","awards-gifts-and-desk-accessories-desk-award-clocks"], [ "Desk Name Plates","desk-name-plates"], [ "Gavels","awards-gifts-and-desk-accessories-gavels-and-gavel-sets"], [ "Keepsake Boxes","giftawards-keepsake-boxes"], [ "Letter Openers","envelope-cutters"], [ "Magnetic Medallion Decal Discs","magnetic-decal-discs"], [ "Magnify Glasses","magnify-glasses"], [ "Paperweights","paper-weights"], [ "Pens, Pen Sets, and Holders","giftawards-pen-sets"], [ "Picture Frames","picture-frames-gifts"]], "items" : [] }